
The 3rd EUROPLAN National Conference took place on 3 November 2017 in Madrid, Spain. FEDER – Rare Diseases Spain was the organiser.

FEDER identified three main priorities to be discussed at the conference:

  • Research
  • Centres, Services and Units of Reference (CSUR) and European Reference Networks (ERNs)
  • Access to Diagnostics and Treatments

A “Development Committee” was established in May 2017 to assess and analyse the situation in Spain for these three priorities. The results of their work were delivered at the conference with a view to foster the strategy on Rare Diseases both at national and regional level (autonomous communities).

Each priority discussed was broken down into several sub-priorities. For instance, the Research priority included sub-priorities such as funding for research, publications, number of research groups, clinical trials…

Proposals and recommendations were made for each priority/sub-priority. The use of indicators for monitoring progress was emphasised.

Read more: EUROPLAN Conference Report

State of the Art Report on Rare Diseases / Spain: